Hi, this is Sebastian Guerrini, Designer and PhD in Communications & Image Studies. My expertise and focus is on cross-cultural branding and international communicational strategies. These are two areas in which I developed my own approach, one that allows me to work for clients anywhere in the world; in fact I already worked in 28 countries. How? That is because the result of my working life has converted me in an anthropologic designer. I will explain more about this later on.
Currently, my next steps will be to increase the market where I am acting, by adding agents to promote my work and continuing to travel getting new clients. Beyond the 50 countries I have already been and even though I live between Spain and Argentina, I am intensifying my presence in the Middle East and Asia.
In parallel, I teach at two Master’s degrees in Barcelona (Elisava and Blanquerna). I also do training on branding and communication, conferences, courses, seminars, workshop, clinics and consultancies.

I said that I called myself as an anthropologic designer, what’s that?
That is the role which allows me to understand the other, a role that helps me to comprehend as much as possible all about each case, each community, each market and customer’s expectations. Moreover, being an anthropologic designer helps me to conceive the accurate communication strategy for every context, whether global or local.
I invite you to read more about it at www.sebastianguerrini.com/features/international-branding/ I also recommend you to see examples of my works on my portfolio page at www.guerriniisland.com

My vocation of been a cross-cultural brand designer came as a consequence of the synthesis of three facets of my life:
As a designer, I have been always drawing but at my 16 I started to work as a professional first in Buenos Aires then in Madrid. Since then I never stop creating symbols.
Time after that and for two decades, I worked doing political and institutional campaigns and been an image adviser. During my job I discovered what a symbol can provoke at a certain time in a society that is willing to find new forms of representation and new significations of their identities and hopes. Consequently I found some sort of ability “to affect” the world inhabited by us from my work
All of this made me understand that I needed to manage the mechanism by which images become powerfully. That’s why I did my PhD at Kent University (UK) where during years I crossed over cultural studies: studying philosophy, psychology, sociology and anthropology in order to dominate the power of images. As a consequence, I am now using simple analytical tools proper of the anthropology for doing my international job. In other words, to understand and act over any demand placed in any part the world.
The result of this blend between art, politics, and cultural studies produces what I am.
But, what can I do with your Image then?

I can make your aims and dreams a reality, showing your Identity as unique. I can tell a great story about your potential, by seducing and motivating your audience. I can make your brand do business for you. I can improve and focus your brand by designing a clear, strategic and easy to decode logomark. So, I can narrate your essence through your brand image your tagline, your slogan, making all your messages to be stronger as well as something that can attract your audience eyes, maintaining their attention and positive perception plus transmitting a credible and motivated field.
My method: first: strategically thinking
Identity design and communication must be the strategic result of the integration of three main representations, such us what the company wants to be, what the company is and what the receptor (target) wants the company to be like. On the other hand and after defined the focus of that strategy, the challenge then is to get, use and apply the particular codes and media of the people involved with the subject, to produce by them the expected results.
For doing so, I am in contact with my clients as much as necessary. In parallel, I research about the subject using my own resources. Then, I propose a communication brief about what I found, being this paper the base of the image strategy of the brand. Just then I start to design brand’s design proposal alternatives. The brand accordingly will be the DNA of the story and has to be capable of containing the core of the company or organization.
I learned that your brand’s image should be the figurehead and the materialization of your strategy. Your DNA.
Sebastian Guerrini is a Designer in Visual Communication (Argentina), a graduate in Communication Technologies (Netherlands) and Doctor of Philosophy in Communication and Image Studies at the University of Kent (England).
Has created hundred of brands in 28 countries, having worked for Amnesty International, UNICEF, UNESCO, CLACSO and the United Nations, among others.
Has won international contests, such as the International Co-operative Alliance (London) and Organic World Foundation (Bonn).
Author of the graphical version of the Argentine National Emblem, Sebastian also designed the brand of CONICET, the image of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Argentina and the visual identity of the nation’s Presidency, Ministries and Secretaries of State.
He is currently teaching and tutoring students in the Master Degree of Design and Communication at Escola Elisava, and giving seminars at Blanquerna (Barcelona, Spain).
Articles about his work were published in Mexico, the United States, Canada, South Africa, Japan, China, Australia, England, Italy and Germany. His writings have been published by ICOGRADA and AIGA.