The Symbol
The design of the visual identity of the Alianza responds to the need of achieving a simple graphic reference, which, without need of explanation, expresses the values and expectations which are common to the members of the Alianza.
As regards the aesthetic aspect, it intends to dispute the symbolic representation of “being” Argentinian, assuming that once the individual alliance (Radical and Frepaso) member’s vote has been consolidated, efforts should be made to obtain a stronger electorate.
The word “Alianza” was chosen as a word that synthesises union, and it was semantically reinforced with the central letter A because of a graphic symbol that refers to the Argentina emblem.
The association of the Alianza with the Argentine emblem intends to synthesise, in a common symbol of the country that all Argentinians wear and “fix with pins” on their heart, the idea of present and future work of the Alianza and the search for an Argentina for everybody. In addition, when this emblem is shown alone, its effective aspect is intensified and becomes an efficient memory aid. That symbol is the Alianza.
In the functional aspect, this is a clear symbol. It is easy to reproduce on any support material and through different systems of image transfer (posters, wall painting, street banners, etc.).
The brand works both in positive and in negative. In positive, it will be used in grey (black to 80%) or in full black, in those cases in which the printing systems are of minor quality, and the Argentine emblem in light blue (Colour of process cyan 100% and magenta 45%). In negative, on a blue background (Pantone 301C), the Argentine emblem will be used in cyan 100%, in order to have enough contrast.
The symbol of the Alianza should be suitable for different visual contexts and should be integrated to different political occasions. As regards its application, with the use of the symbol in positive it can be noticed that it refers more strongly to the national symbols, giving thus a greater institutionality (an example of this is the application of the identity in the Federal Capital). Instead, when the dark background and the white image are used, the identity offers us greater force and impact. It partially loses the direct association with the chromatic atmosphere of the flag, but it gains in power (this is the case of what has been implemented in the province of Buenos Aires).
Typography, visual representation of speech.
In order to accompany the political decision of making the campaign in positive, the tone of voice and the expectation of persuasion that the Alianza needs for each subject should be evaluated before designing each message.
In the graphic aspect, the tone of the voice refers to the size and thickness of the chosen type of letter. In order to evaluate the voice of command or the scheme of persuasion, it is desirable to ask oneself if one is going to impose or have a dialogue. In subjects such as “Enough of Impunity”, if our strategy is to show force, it is expressed with a capital letter and boldface.
On the contrary, in messages in which we do not intend to impose forcibly our ideas, but propose and seduce, talking with capital and small letters communicates in a better way the idea of a campaign in positive.
It is important that these variables be included in a framework of unity with identity, that they are not different voices for the receiver, who, unconsciously, has been building a mental image of the Alianza, which is close to personification. This implies that we need to strengthen these images, always talking with the same personality.
For this need we recommend to keep the same typographic family as secondary and tertiary typography. We propose Frutiger, with its variables Medium, Bold and Ultra black.
The use of stripes is not recommended to outline spaces and information.
We need our messages to be fresh and free and if we use shapes that regulate and mark the space they would not strengthen the idea of renewal and refreshment of politics. On the other hand, the use of rectangles would cause the logotype of the Alianza to lose its power, when competing visually with them. If information has to be separated, the stripes that compete less formally in shape with the typography are the lower and the upper stripes of the model, since they do not disturb the visual area.
The graphology shows that generous people and those who see the future optimistically leave a wide left margin when they write.
A direct and frontal message can be graphically supported when placing the margins of the texts centrally.
It is important to take into account these variables for the messages which are mainly informative. This comment on the margins does not force the designer to act similarly in all situations, but it is worth taking into account, if he has doubts, so that the structure of the message accompanies the expression of the Alianza.
In order to have information which is more visible, another two variables are proposed:
Letter colour: (one paragraph darker than the other so that, through contrast with the background, one subject is seen in front of the other).
Typographic variable: Doing an area in boldface and the rest in normal letter.
The normal letter is more serious, more elegant and more distant. In some messages it is advisable to use it because of the greater idea of institutionality that it inspires (for example, if we use boldface letter in the subject “Economic Proposal”, it would lose seriousness). The use of the Ultra Black letter is only advisable when mentioning the candidates. In longer texts it does not give good legibility.
It is recommended not to rotate the typographic blocks, since we always have to talk clearly and concretely. Forcing the reader to interpret a text written at 90 degrees would cause a difficult perception of the message.
The use of photographs in the messages of the Alianza is recommended.
We do not recommend drawings or abstract images, which do not have a direct relation with the meaning of the subject, since, they are usually not credible enough and do not come across as real or close to the habitual environment of the people.
In the photographs of the candidates, the humane and sensitive aspects of our politicians should be shown. The foreground may be an efficient tool. Globally the Alianza is based on leadership which is solid but close to the citizen and his/her problems and not that of a messianic leader. The photograph of the campaign gives us a good opportunity to show the man and the woman in their natural and everyday aspect.
Political freshness and renewal expressed by the Alianza should be explained by the assembly of visual referents that compose our messages.
The climate and the atmosphere emerging from our images should coincide with the political aspect. Open spaces, actual places or the use of blue, a colour which is associated with transparency, freshness and the sky, correspond to this need. Thus the use of dark background expressing enclosure and density should be avoided. Only if the created atmosphere is intimate, containing and warm can it help to position a candidate. When in doubt, it is advisable to adjust oneself to what is institutional (blue backgrounds).